When we last spoke, Dave was still suffering considerable pain from his recent back surgery. That time has passed, his recheck appointment went well, the Surgeon was very pleased with his progress, pain medications have been discontinued and he's well on the mend.
We ventured out to a few restaurants during the healing process, testing Dave's ability to drive comfortably again. After lunch at our favorite, Nicols West, Dave discovered a lovely rose garden around back.....
Hans and Lisa came down from the Prescott home to hike with MonaLiza and Steve one day. They all met us for a surprise lunch at El Ranchero. It was good to see them again.
One afternoon MonaLiza and Steve invited us to their home for a mutual celebraton. In honor of Dave's successful surgery, the closing of our "new" house and the completed sale of their motorhome, Betsy, we shared a bottle of bubbly and MonaLiza's version of Pam's delicious Shrimp and Feta Pasta Bake.
She took a picture of us, with bubbly in hand, and sent it to me.....I can't find it. Sorry.
As I mentioned above, we finally closed on our "new" winter home base in Wickenburg. A few minor problems cropped up the day after our final walk around and official closing which sent Dave racing off to the hardware store to buy a wet/dry vacuum. I was left behind mopping and wringing with the two towels we had with us. During our Real Estate Agent's demonstration of how to change the refrigerator's ice maker filter he evidently neglected to properly seat said filter. The entire kitchen floor and all the refrigerator drawers were flooded by the time we returned the next day. Ugh.
We spent a bit of time removing a few pieces of bedroom molding that was driving Dave insane and securing a large doggy door in the living room wall. The next day we had a wonderful cleaning crew come in to scrub the house top to bottom.
looking from the livingroom, through the kitchen to the eating area |
That's better.....now the whole place shines. We brought back a small thermos of gin and tonics to enjoy in our new back yard. We haven't had one since probably November, since Dave started taking pain medication. It tasted exceptionally good!
gin and tonic views out back |
This will be a good place for us to spend winters. We can't wait to dig in and make it our own (next fall that is....first a visit with Jesse and Erin at their new home in Spokane!)
Here are a couple quick photos, stolen from the internet, for those of you who have been asking to see what we bought!
Beluga's new winter home |
Now, in real time, Dave is back at the lake working with Jesse and Angel to pack up our belongings in preparation for their long ride across the country and into their new home. Dave and Jesse will be back in their respective homes early next week. I can't wait, and neither can Erin!
They're doing a stellar job....I can't believe how much progress they've made in just a few days. They must be exhausted....sigh.
Cindy P brought them lunch yesterday and I think they enjoyed the break almost as much as they enjoyed the food and conversation! Robin and Tom are also there to help with whatever is needed. We have such wonderful friends.
I'm taking care of details on this end. I stayed back with Lewis, he's uncomfortable wearing a mask and the airlines won't let anyone fly without one - wink wink. It's not all work on this end, however.
I explored the Desert National Wildlife Refuge yesterday. The visitor's center was still closed (Covid, ya know) but there were several short trails in the area with lovely green riparian areas to explore. Lots more to see for another day (or two).
native American mortars along the trail |
pomegranate blossom |
I thought it was interesting to see the pomegranate forming from the flower |
It's been an exciting few months. I'm sort of done with exciting now. Boring sounds good to me.