

Thursday, July 25, 2019

It's starting to look like the end of July already

The early summer flowers are giving way to the "dog days" sort of things....sunflowers, ditch lilies (that's what my dear friend calls the rafts of brilliant day lilies that grow everywhere this time of year), Sumac and cheerful hollyhocks.

The spring and early summer, waterlogged farm fields are changing too.

Fields of winter wheat, planted last year, are beginning to bend their heads.  They're ripe and ready for combining.

Fields of corn, planted to feed livestock and produce ethanol, are getting tall and strong, but what excites us are the fields of sweet corn beginning to mature and tassel.

Our resident family of hybrid ducks have grown into adults but still "use" the lake in front of us.

Driving to our near weekly dinners with Robin and Tom at the yummy Rabbit Room in Honeoye Falls,  we notice that the falls have slowed from their early summer mad, muddy dash over the rocks to a lazy and pretty cascade.  (Phew, that's quite a sentence!)

Thursday night regulars
Robin, Michael (our wonderful waiter), Tom and Dave


Another thing we notice this time of year is the height of the salt piles growing at nearby the American Rock Salt mine.

Not such a pleasant reminder that winter will be here before people realize it and that the roads will be covered with this lovely stuff.   It not only contributes to their terrible, potholed condition but it ruins cars and trucks while it keeps them from slipping and sliding on icy roads.    We'll be LONG gone by then.


  1. It is so lovely up there! You have quite the summer location.

  2. The lillies are so beautiful!! Love the soft looking wheat fields. Great reflection!! You sound so relaxed and comfortable - such a pretty place.

  3. Ditch Lilies - that's a great name for them! We've seen quite a few on our travels this summer.

  4. Good to see that the rain has finally allowed the crops to move along. Your "ditch lilies" are beautiful. Love, love the rainbow across the lake. Awesome photo! Yes, the baby ducks are all grown up. A lot of our baby quail and morning doves are almost as large as their parents, but we have a few late arrivals that are still quite small. Nice to see that Michael is still at the Rabbit Room to serve you. Looks like a fun group! Lovely full moon photo on the lake. BUT, not one black furry photo...boohoo!

  5. It must be wonderful to experience only the best part of the year after living there for so many years! It looks like such a beautiful area. It's so fun to watch the seasonal changes when you are sitting still for a while.

  6. This post reads like poetry.
    And oh boy would I ever love to have almost weekly dinners at the Rabbit Room...that alone is reason enough to spend the summer there. But there are so many more good reasons...
