

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Another catch up......

Ok, I'm still playing catch up with the blog. We're no longer with the family in Canada, we've moved on to Polson, Montana.

he's very relaxed with Dave behind the wheel.....

 We arrived last Sunday and are parked under some beautiful old blue spruce trees, alongside a lovely, green golf course at Eagle View RV Park.

Relaxation is the name of the game for this stay.   Flathead Lake is just down the street but it's hard to see through all the wildfire smoke.   The Rockies are close by also but they, too, are hard to make out. 

 It's quite hot but our shady site has allowed us to enjoy second cup and happy hour outside.  

 Today, Taos made a friend.... his first!   We met neighbors Cindy and Rick and their yellow Lab, Tica.    They assured us that she was a quiet and submissive girl so Taos invited her into his "yard".     It was interesting to watch him interact with another dog, up close.     She is a nice girl and they got along well.    Another good experience for Taos. 

 Jesse's sweet Lab, Molly, has some territorial, and protective issues that did not allow Taos to interact with her while we were all together for the birthday week.   As long as he respected her space and didn't intrude, they were able to exist in the same house without trouble.    That's all we asked.

Tica (Tika?)  then, was a totally new experience and he enjoyed himself.     

The lake was calling us, smoky or not, so we took Taos and found a fishing access point to wade in and cool off.   The water was clear and warm. 

 The undulating floating dock didn't bother him in the least.   What a guy!

 He continues to think we're crazy for enjoying large bodies of water but is willing to humor a point.

come get the stick.....

On our way around the lake, we stopped to buy a couple bags of the area's famous cherries.      I almost bought a cherry pie also, but when I saw the price tag I put it right back  $40 for one 8 inch pie!   "It's organic", says the salesgirl.  I left with two bags of cherries instead.....I can make my own darn pie.

The last time we were in this area it was just a bit too early for them and we were tantalized by the acres and acres of cherry orchards lining the lake.     This time our timing was perfect, and we've been gorging ourselves on the beautiful, sweet little bombs.   

Taos is extremely tough on toys (I don't want to think how much we've spent on toys for him!)   We started out with a whole bin of toys, balls, stuffed animals, squeaky things, floaty things, Nylabone, elk horns, Kongs, treat dispensing toys, puzzles, large and small, hard and soft, chewy and  leather.    He takes them all down in short order.   Seams rip, stuffing flies, monkeys lose their limbs and ears, lobsters lose their claws and eyes, puzzles are figured out immediately, cows lose their horns and hooves, sheesh.    Yesterday we took him into Murdoch's Farm Supply for some experience walking calmly in a large store and, perhaps, to pick out his own d amn toy!


This is what he (we) chose.     He was thrilled with his choice, started working on it as soon as he got back in the the time we got home he had bitten it in half.    Ah well, as I said, he's rough on toys.       sigh.

I think this post has gone on long enough, so I'll leave you with one, or maybe two tantalizing photos from our week in British Columbia and the birthday week.    Next post I'll tell you all about it, I promise!    Stay tuned....



  1. Hello there, Annie, you are so dang cute! that i want to squish you :) That boy Taos i now an adult, that is why he is tough with toys. - ML

    1. She really is a doll baby! "little" Taos is only 7 months old!

  2. What a little doll Annie is…gorgeous blue eyes, a sweet smile, and I think I see curls! And I’m happy Annie and Taos are buds! And totally understand Molly…our Wrecks was the same way! Already looking forward to the next post! We spent a month in Polson and loved it. Sure would love a couple of bags of those cherries and a drive around Flathead lake! Your site looks lovely and green, but the photo of that clear, clean water takes the cake! Enjoy!

    1. Polson is where we first met you! You approached Dave and Lewis when they were out walking and asked him "Is this Lewis?" He was a star even then! Annie has a couple very tight curls at the back of her little blonde head, so sweet.... Taos makes her laugh, belly laugh, when he takes her hand in his mouth! He follows her everywhere and races to her when (if) she cries. awww

    2. I do remember meeting Lewis and Dave…just like it was yesterday. I remember being very disappointed that you were leaving and we were just settling in. That’s is so sweet that Taos and Annie have a strong bond. Both are a great judge of each other! Belly laughs and babies are the best…so real!

  3. Oh my gosh, those two photos of Anabel are precious! Glad Taos had some dog interaction before he is introduced to wild Kayce! There is a young woman in our neighborhood who every year helps sell her uncle's cherry harvest from the Flathead area. The harvest was hit with a late freeze this spring and she could not find cherries to sell this year--I was so disappointed! She sells them in 20# boxes and we consume a box every year!

    1. Cherries are scarce this year, we saw the results of that late freeze. Perhaps that's why the pie was $40! I hope Taos and Kayce will enjoy each other. He was a little "shy" with Tika the other day, if you can believe that!

  4. Taos and Anabel make a cute pair. Are they gentle with each other?
    A choice campsite in Polson near the clear waters of Flathead Lake. the news media show a lot of wildfires this year, Stay Safe!

    1. The buddies are relatively gentle with each other. As gentle as a 6 month old giant and a 1 year old baby can be! Yes, lots of fires, ugh....

  5. You're giving Taos a range of experiences that's enormous. It's so interesting that he won't get in the water, I thought they were genetically programmed to get wet. Annie continues to be adorable. Sorry about the wildfire smoke, every year it's a thing. Oregon is on fire, as well.

  6. He'll walk into the water and even plunge his head under the surface for rocks, but he just doesn't seem to know how to swim. He'll go in up to his belly then backs out or leaps out to shallow water. Dogs are all nuts! Annie is becoming more adorable each day I think. You know, living in the east all our lives, the term "fire season" was not in our vocabulary. Now we see that it's a real thing.

  7. I love that Taos made a friend. And a twin friend! He's just not a water dog. Let's hope his future partner isn't into water either. He did go in the water but not impressed...haha! Love, love that photo of Annie with the book. So sweet:)

    1. Nice to have friends..... Annie is becoming a real cutie. She has a mind of her own to be sure, but a real cutie!

  8. I think the biggest lesson Toas learned this week was hot to interact with possessive or cranky dogs. I am always nervous when Zoey meets dogs like that as she does not always know what other dogs will tolerate. Sounds like Toas did great!

    1. Taos is learning new things daily. How to deal with dogs is the most recent. With sweet Tika he was reticent at first, playful then overwhelmed in the space of 15 minutes! He's so huge we sometimes forget he's really just a little guy, mentally!

  9. Wow, I missed a lot of posts! I love that photo of Anabel with her book. She is so adorable and obviously has a lot of personality. And Taos cracks me up, getting to choose his own toy. Did he manage to destroy the flat raccoon and gator?

    1. You did miss a lot of posts....what have you been doing? Having a ball, I'm sure. Annie is certainly a personality, her own girl to be sure. I wish I could figure out how to add a photo to this comment, I'd show you the legless Racoon. He has joined the dashboard full of toys to be enjoyed under "supervision". Gater man is in the Jeep and he hasn't ruined it yet.....
