

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Costa Rica

 We're back home and unpacked after a lovely family vacation in Costa Rica.  

  The trip was an anniversary celebration gift from Jesse and Erin.     Costa Rica is one of their favorite places in the world and they wanted to share it with us. 

Dave and I booked a hotel room in Phoenix the night before our flight.  We had Taos with us so he could have a hotel room experience and then dropped him off at a Guide Dogs for the Blind puppy sitter the next day.   After drop off, we went back to the hotel and got the shuttle to the airport for our Dallas flight leg.  Taos did very well in the hotel, he walked through the jam-packed lobby filled with a large, loud, rather tipsy family reunion, entered the elevator with said reunion revelers and slept like a baby on his bed in the room.    Good boy.

Our flights were fine, we booked first class seats, so we had a nice ride with pretty decent food on the trip to Dallas.    We met Jesse, Erin and Annie there, stayed overnight and finished the trip to Costa Rica the next morning.     It's a long trip and somewhat complicated with four adults and a one-year-old.

Grandpa entertains at the terminal

The rental car was a tight fit for us all!  Especially Dave

Once again, grandpa entertains at check in

He shows her how to stuff those wet towels into the holes in the coffee table!


long day, tired baby

We spent our time at our destination (El Mangroove Hotel) relaxing beside one of the five pools, in one of the pools, playing pool.....eating and drinking and talking and playing with sweet Annie.

Annies favorite pool was very shallow
She could motor around all on her own, and chase daddy's shoes

this little wren was a butter connoisseur!

The resort was absolutely beautiful, lush and verdant and dense.... every inch covered with all manner of plants.    The weather was rainy for the first day or so but then the blue sky returned as did the heat and extreme humidity.   It turned Annie's hair into a riot of curls!

Dave walks to our suite

our window view

Plenty of wildlife kept us busy looking down, and up and in.   What was that sound?   Did you see that bird?    Look at that iguana watching us.    

a howler monkey was most often heard but rarely seen

these colorful guys were everywhere

this critter watched us quietly from the safety of his tree 

Not all the wildlife was exactly wild......    A few locals joined us for breakfast each morning.     They were all polite and never "asked" to help with our meal but were friendly and more than willing to accept any handouts when offered.

two of many Rufous-naped wrens

Gato Tigre and Gato Negra

We did venture out of the resort a few times for dinner at The Andaz, a luxury Eco resort nearby.    We tried two of their restaurants and the food and atmosphere were both exceptional.

On our adventure day, we drove to the town of Coco, boarded a panga and were ferried out to the Sea Bird, a classic 45-foot sailboat, to begin our morning journey.  The trip included a stop in a picturesque cove perfect for snorkeling.  

I took very few pictures of the boat and our excursion because I wasn't comfortable taking my phone out on the rocking boat!    My mind's eye recorded them instead. 

  The weather was a bit iffy, and the skies were cloudy, but the trip was fun.     We anchored offshore and once again boarded the panga for the ride into shore.    Don't ask me about my whale like panga entry, I'm trying to forget!  

    Dave and Jesse set off to find the reef and Erin, Annie and I played with shells and stones and swam in the warm water.

snorkel man with noodle


 We were given a bag of fruit to feed the monkeys that often frequent this beach looking for handouts.      I wasn't exactly excited about monkeys asking me for things, I've watched too many Americas' Funniest Videos I guess......    No monkeys that day, phew, they must have been having their siesta!         

Jesse came back and switched occupations with Erin so she could snorkel out to see the turtles.      Once safely (ahem) back on the Sea Bird we found a huge plate of goodies, including the most fabulous pineapple I've ever eaten, waiting for us along with the requisite beverages.      A lovely morning.

Annie was the star of the trip.   She's such a good little girl, dealing with schedule changes, plane flights, lots of strangers and late evenings with nothing more than a few grumpy faces and squawks of annoyance. 


peek a boo

at the dinner table with bunny

Now that she's back home and into her routines, watching formula one on tv with Dad is high on her list.....

We're back into our routines also, but looking forward to visits from lots of friends before the holidays close in.    Stay tuned!


  1. Now that's a great family adventure! All I know of Costa Rica is from the Endless Summer movies, there's surfing.
    I'd probably melt in the humidity, but Annie just gets cuter!

  2. I knew nothing of the country but the people we interacted with were some of the loveliest, most genuinely friendly people I have ever met. We definitely slowed down in that humidity! Dave's glasses steamed up each time he left our (air conditioned) suite!

  3. That looked like a wonderful family trip.
    Bet Annie's hair is back to being straight.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. It was wonderful being with them for a lovely, uninterrupted week. Annie has little curls and waves normally, but it went wild in the insane humidity!

  4. What a fun trip Sue! We have never been to Costa Rico, but our youngest son and DIL have and also love it! Such a green and lush place! I’ve never been snorkeling either…did Dave see turtles too? Now that’s way cool! Cute pictures of Annie, but how could they not be? I love “peek-a-boo” and oh those curls!

    1. Yes, Dave saw the turtles also. We're both certified SCUBA divers too, but it's been a while since we did anything more than snorkeling. Jesse had curls like Annies when he was little.....seeing her little blonde head brought up sweet memories for us.

  5. What a gorgeous resort -- looked like so much fun! A little something for everyone. And Annie's little cap for swimming was so cute! I don't think I'd like having those monkeys come ask for food either ....glad it was siesta time. Cindy

    1. It was a beautiful place with all our needs taken care of. Monkeys are overrated....

  6. Love Annie with her little cap chasing her Dad's slippers. Was that hammock inside your suite?
    Some angles Annie is little Jesse, then when standing next to her mom, she takes on her too.
    Lovely resort and love all those verdant plants, very tropical.
    Looks like everyone had a great time with the star on the trip, the cute Annie. -ML

    1. Annie loved the shallow pool, I stacked rocks along the side which she instantly put back "where they belonged". The floating sandals were stuffed inside her floating tube and carried around with her. Her sun bonnet was very large and kept slipping down over her face - too funny! Yes, the hammock was inside our suite beside a large window - ahhhhh

  7. Off topic here, but I attended a City of Spokane Plan Commission meeting last week that Jesse was in. Y'all should be proud of your son, he's a thoughtful, articulate young man. Costa Rica looked like a good time. I wonder if Annabelle's hair is back to normal? :)
