

Sunday, May 26, 2024


 It's been nice being back home again after our little "learning trip" to Tucson.   Now we're getting ready for a quick, very special, overnight trip with friends and for our summer long adventure.

I received this beautiful bouquet of flowers from Jesse and Erin (and sweet Anabel too) for Mother's Day.

  The colors were just spectacular, and they smelled good too!

Friday, we shared a Low Country Boil outside with Steve and MonaLiza.   The weather was just beautiful and warm, with a light breeze that ruffled our newspaper tablecloth.

While we ate and laughed and did the newspaper cross word puzzle, we watched for the full moon to show.    After a first, tantalizing glimpse on the eastern horizon, it slowly disappeared from our view.   Gone.       Later in the evening, as I was straightening up the patio area before bed, it peeked over the hill again, this time in the southeast sky.    What a tease!

Most of our time this month has been spent getting Beluga ready for her summer drive (changing the air conditioner capacitors, replacing the fuel fill connection hoses, changing all radiator hoses and the "slobber hose") organizing the Jeep for Taos' comfort and ours, and continuing to refine travel plans. 

insulating interior roof panels for the Jeep

Taos' comfy rear seat bed

Steve helps with the roof panels - it's a two-man job!

 Each day we try to take our little (big?) man somewhere or do something to enrich his life experience - or remind him that he must listen to us.    We went to a GDB class early in the month and it showed us that he needs a little more work around distractions.    He's rock solid on what we've taught him here, (sit, wait, OK, down, come, drop, ah ah, go lay down {I know it should be go lie down}, kennel, let's go, etc.)  and on his normal morning walking route, but when things get really busy around him, he feels a little unsettled and can't tune in to us.

peaked eyes and lip licking = nervous

 With a new handler in class, and surrounded by lots of other dogs, chairs, people, etc., his facial expressions told us how he was feeling.    We're working on those things now, adding more distractions as he becomes comfortable.    One step at a time!

zzzzz at the insurance office

relaxed at C and C Bakery

"WAIT" before enjoying happy hour treats


Mostly, he's just being a puppy and enjoying life.   That's part of growing into a good adult too.   He does love to help vacuum though.   Lucky Dave

who needs a ball when there's a vacuum around!

   And....let's not forget our little Anabel!    Grass feels funny but, kind of good too!    She's on the move.


  1. Looks like everything is going according to plan on all fronts.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. So far, so good is right, you guys are doing great! Love watching the progress and am looking forward to your next adventure!

    1. Rarely a dull moment with a puppy around - stay tuned! I, too, am looking forward to your next adventures this summer!

  3. Taos is such a good boy! Kaycee hates the vacuum--unfortunately! I should do a low country boil for the family here! A handy man is worth his weight in gold!

    1. Might be nice if Taos didn't enjoy the vacuum so much! But he involves himself in everything we do and that's the right way for him I suppose. Maybe we can do a Boil together this summer!

  4. I'm with Taos - I do not like crowds or a lot of confusing noise either! I continue to be surprised at how quick Taos is to learn new things.
    Looks like a fun time with Steve and MonaLisa ... and Anabel's a cutie as she continues to discover he world.

    1. That's our biggest challenge - making sure Taos gets exposure to crowds and lots of distractions because we don't really enjoy that atmosphere either! Ah well, all for the cause. We always have a good time with the Lowes!

  5. Good morning Sue! Love seeing those friends and smiling faces around the patio table. Do you “cook” the Low Country Boil? I haven’t had it in years. Such a fun meal to share with folks and yummy too! Taos is so fortunate to have you and Dave. I’m with Taos when it comes to crowds and noise. It’s part of life though and I just know he will succeed in his efforts to tolerate, “deal” with, and master both. You and Dave are pretty fortunate to have him too! Anabel is a doll…I know you can’t wait to grab her up and cuddle! Already crawlin…so hard to believe!

    1. friends and smiling faces around the table, it's the best! Yes, we boil the Low Country Boil, we'll have it for you the next time - its fun and yummy!

  6. That was the best boil we ever had, a lot better than "Angry Crabs"! Not seeing Taos for over a couple weeks sure made me noticed how much he has grown and behave like a good boy!
    Anabel cant sure wait for your to hug her and get to know her grandma and grandpa!

    1. Thanks ML, it's a fun and relatively easy meal for friends. Taos grows by leaps and bounds, doesn't he? He's turning out to be a good guy. We can't wait to see Anabel, she's changing by the minute.

  7. Anabel crawling?? Already? Yikes...this is going fast. Your Taos is a hoot! I always wonder what his working life will be....

    1. She's crawling up a storm, even up the stairs! He is a real hoot. I try not let myself think about his adult life without us too much, other than what he'll need to know......

  8. Beautiful flowers from J&E. Love the color combination. Fun spring evening dinner with good friends. Yum! Glad that Beluga and Rocky are getting ready for the summer adventure. Taos is getting SO big! And what a wonderful helper...haha! He has the sweetest expressions. Dear Anabel. Such a cute photo:)

    1. They always send beautiful flowers, but the colors of this bouquet was simply gorgeous.
      Rocky just got his last helpful gadget installed today by Mr. David's A-1 Directional Technology Assistance Corp., LLC.
      We're learning new ways to do things around here....with Taos help!

  9. Love the color of that bouquet! Hard to beat a good boil, looks like fun too. Insulated Jeep roof seems like a really good idea, you'll have to let us know how much difference you notice. I'm with Taos with distractions in busy places, but he's doing so, so good! Meeting Anabel will be a fun new experience for all of you :-)))

    1. LC Boils are easy and fun, you're right! We had friends who first told us about the roof panels, it made a big temperature difference for them, so we'll see! It seems to make sense though. We wonder how Taos will react to Anabel, but we know how she will react to him - she loves her dog Molly (a yellow lab also).

  10. Oh, how fun and yummy to enjoy a Low Country Boil with Steve and ML! You're inspiring me. And of course you did the crossword puzzle on the newspaper tablecloth, LOL! Always better when you have more than one person involved.

    Taos is so smart to understand so many words. I laughed at "ah ah." Magnolia understands that, too. Along with "treat, chicken, & shrimp." She's very food-motivated. 😻

    I bet little Anabel is going to be walking soon! I can't wait to see photos of her and Taos together. (Looks like the 'gator is going on the trip. :-)))

    1. We were just talking about you and Eric as we opened a package of Truly Grassfed Cheddar Cheese....I remember finding it when we were with you and buy/eat it whenever we find it ever since....yummy!

      If one uses a newspaper as a tablecloth, one must at least attempt the crossword puzzle - it's tradition!

      The gator AND the raccoon are definitely going along this summer! They're the only few that he hasn't ripped apart!

      Ah Ah always works doesn't it!

  11. Everyone's on the move -- you two soon, Taos always, and Anabel, too! It's going to be a great summer for you all, I just know it!
