

Friday, May 17, 2024

Learning in Tucson

 We're back from our short trip to Tucson and Benson.    I was able to snag a week (then extended that stay by 4 days!) at our favorite site in Catalina State Park so off we went in search of learning.      Learning for us and learning for Taos.

We learned where Taos needs to sleep at night, we learned how he should ride in Beluga and in the Jeep when we're on the road,

he loves to stretch out in the Jeep's back seat

except at lunch time.....

We learned to NOT use a plastic water dish for him - He immediately picked up the full plastic bowl and carried it to the front of Beluga, pouring water everywhere as he went.      We learned that we needed a small, easily customizable fencing system outside.   Thanks, Gay and Joe, for accepting the delivery of fencing for us, it made life much easier for us all.

relaxed second cup in the sunshine

 We learned that he doesn't like the heat, we learned that second cup and happy hour are much happier for us if we provide him with a stuffed Kong and a few ice cubes (they don't make a mess when he dumps the dish).    "We" learned a few new games to play inside, actually he taught us a few new games.....

The game is called "how many times can I drop my toys down the stairs and pretend I can't reach them before they get wise to the game?"    Also known as the "how many toys can I drop down the stairs at once" game.

We learned how much our friends want to help us and how nice it is to connect with them again.    We also remembered how bad I am at taking pictures of people....sorry Gay and Jodee and Bill!

He learned to navigate Beluga's steep stairs, to watch passersby quietly,

 that people in golf carts often have treats, that snow is COLD, but tastes pretty good,

it was hard to find patches of snow at this time of year!

 that running water is OK to wade through,

 that trees often have fabulous smells at their base and that other animals leave p-mails everywhere!  

 He learned to listen, respectfully, to what old dogs say and that not everything must be explored (Thanks to Sally and Tessa).      He learned that pine needles don't taste good and that one doesn't necessarily need to take huge mouthfuls of sand. 

walking in the shadow of the Silverbell Mine

He learned to lie, quietly, under a cafe table even though Mom and Dad are eating croissants and bear claws right over his head.  

 He learned that the Jeep makes lots of quick stops, most often to look at weird cactus and pretty flowers.   Sometimes it stops in a tiny bit of shade to eat lunch...Mmmmm turkey sandwiches!

shade on Reddington Rd.

a giant friend offering me a small bouquet

He learned that there are plenty of jobs around the motorhome that require his help.

shaving is a two-man job

as is vacuuming.....

sort of makes a guy tingle!

Dave is very patient and needs to laugh regularly.....

And that no one will fault him if he falls asleep before putting his toys away.....

In between all our learning we managed to do a few nice new desert drives, have good visits with friends and a couple really yummy meals, both take out and in a new to us restaurant.

looking out of a window in the Silverbell Rockland Hotel ruin

Dave's new favorite Cioppino at Caffe Torino

It was a really good trip for us all and we look forward to the summer together in Beluga.

Oh, and here's sweet Anabel watching car races on tv after evidently having a catastrophic motorcycle wreck.


  1. Love this post about that boy that is growing like a weed! Soon enough he will be a seasoned traveler, like mom and dad. Anabel too, is catching up with Taos!

    1. Thanks ML! He definitely is growing fast!

  2. What a great week! Love that lunch break picture and I am jealous of all the fun you are having learning and teaching. Makes you much younger at heart, that is for sure!

    1. We are really having fun with him now that he's a little older and past the leaking, chewing and barking phase!

  3. So glad the trial run worked well! And that we have friends who can accept much needed packages for us. This puppy business is hard work for us and the pup! Great post Sue and loved the photo of Anabel.

    1. Puppy business is hard work for sure.....but fun in great measure. Why else would we subject ourselves to it! We can't wait to see Anabel this summer, she's growing fast too!

  4. What a wonderful post Sue and so much fun to read! The photos are awesome…of course how could they not be? I am happy your adventure was fun and a success. When you come for your next visit, we can have waffles and Italian. Caffe Torino looks yummy and we haven’t been there yet! I love the photo of sweet Anabel all intertwined with her long-legged baby…so calm and content and focused!

    1. Waffles and know how to get our attention! Tucson will always be a place to return to, it's a favorite of ours so we'll see you next time.

  5. I can't get over the size of that puppy's feet. Dogs sleeping on their backs are always adorable, as is Anabel. Glad to see that the trip was successful and that Taos is good to go for the summer.

    1. And his feet are still big for his body.....He's going to be a big boy! He most often chooses to flip over onto his back - for sleeping, for belly rubs and for avoidance!

  6. What s fabulous post!!! Smiled all the way through...especially at Taos upside down! Anabel is growing but not as fast as Taos! CindyP

    1. He enjoys showing off his little pink heart!

  7. Enjoyed following, as Taos grows into the companion he is meant to be.
    We saw literally hundreds of motorcycles heading east, as they 'Run For The Wall'.
    Anabel ... Geez what a kick!

    1. He's coming along nicely, he's a real good guy. I don't know if Anabel is as funny as she looks or if it's my son's sense of humor in capturing those moments!

  8. Taos is certainly growing, YIKES! He fills the back seat of the Jeep from door to door. Also looks like he's going to be a good citizen. :)

  9. He does love to stretch out!

  10. What a fun trip for everyone and an excellent learning curve. Love that fence idea...for you and Dave. Much more relaxing second cup and HH. I can't believe how long his legs have gotten. He's so tall! Always nice to catch with friends. Love all the desert photos. Cool new ruin find!

    1. This new, lightweight fence does the trick! It certainly won't hold him if he wants to get out but he'll never be out there alone so it works as intended. Silverbell/Sasco Loop was a new desert drive for us. Not another soul in sight all day!

  11. Just like everyone else, my first thought was "I can't believe how much Taos has grown!" Lucky boy to have so many wonderful experiences with you two. I love all of the photos of him...I believe I spy a flat raccoon and gator in his toy collection, haha!! That photo of Anabel with her hot wheels is absolutely hilarious. That little girl is growing fast, too! ❤️

    1. Good eyes do see a flat racoon, but the gator is his "Jeep toy" so not in these pictures. He loves them both and hasn't destroyed either as yet!

  12. So much learning in such a fun environment! That bigger-by-the-minute pup is going to be a fine helper, thanks to you. That crazy saguaro with a million arms -- wowee -- and the blooms, something we'll probably never see in person, so love to see the pics of friends enjoying them. Anabel appears to be taking her wreck all in stride :D

    1. learning comes in small doses but adds up eventually! Yes, I think Anabel is just taking the world as it comes.
