

Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas pictures

Erin smiles in the background as Lewis and Sasha join in the gift opening....
Nothing has changed, but I think I've figured out a way around Big Brother Google's roadblock to my picture sharing, so here goes - a few Christmas pictures for you....


Jesse and Sasha relaxing with a pre-dinner cocktail

Uh Oh, Blogger is acting wonky again, so I'll leave well enough alone with these two pictures.    Read the post below - Friday - to be current.     Sorry.


  1. Oh, those fussy google servers are ruining all our fun for the last part of Christmas! But, don't let it get you down ....somebody will be able to help!!! thanks for the later-sorting that will need to be done.

  2. Sasha and Lewis look so cute in the bows! If Sasha could talk, I am sure she would talk about how thrilled she is to be resting with Jesse:)
