I think we've turned the corner on winter, at least the really nasty below zero snow like crazy winter.
The lake has gone from a solid, dazzling white to mottled snow and ice mixed with large patches of open, blue water. No more snowshoeing or snowmobiling on it this year - YES! It seems to have happened in the blink of an eye. A neighbor told Dave that it will be ice free in a few weeks.
Monday, in preparation for Tuesday morning's predicted fog/snow/snizzle, Dave covered the huge pile of wood we've earmarked for a celebratory bonfire. We had planned to enjoy it on our moving in day, but who wanted to stand around outside in below zero temps with snow up to our waist? Not us. Now that the weather seems to be moderating just a bit we'll light and share it with Cindy P and Walter Friday night (the warmest of the next week).
The dogs loved to go over the breakwall and down onto the broad expanse of snow that was our beautiful lake. Now that the ice is getting ready to leave us we'll have to keep a close eye on them so they don't break through and get a nasty surprise.
The rain/snow/snizzle never materialized so Dave took the opportunity to wash all our windows. No grass grows under his feet, no siree!
whistle while you work..... |
Today was even warmer than yesterday, at least 42 degrees - absolute heaven for us. Despite the very sloppy driveway Dave decided to install mud flaps on the new jeep. He's a happy man when he has jobs to do.
After taking care of some domestic duties inside I took the dogs out to sit and enjoy the warm sun.
Lewis managed to get a tennis ball out of the house without me noticing and proceeded to lose it in a snowbank, then find it, then lose it, then find it, then lose it then find it for at least an hour. He is easily amused and plays well by himself - a very good trait in a dog.
Sasha thinks he's a proper ninny. He wastes so much energy when he could be enjoying a nice nap.
Tomorrow begins a four day run of visiting with friends/family and Monday we take the new jeep to be outfitted with its towing and auxiliary braking systems. Checking things off the list, counting down the days.