We've been busy here in Tucson. Lots of friends in the area mean lots of happy hours, visits and dinners out. I took pictures at some of them, and forgot at others!
One day this week, (I can't keep track of which day we did what) we drove towards the Catalina wilderness and Bear Canyon to visit with friends Tina and Ron at their beautiful new (to them) home.
Tina and Ron |
We spent a few hours enjoying the beautiful day and great conversation in their colorful back yard before heading home. We hadn't seen them in a year, we had lots to talk about.
One evening we joined MonaLiza and Steve (lowestravels.com), Hans and Lisa (metamorphosisroad.blogspot.com) Pam and John (ohtheplacestheygo.wordpress.com) and Marsha and Paul (wheresweaver.blogspot.com) at Buffalo Wild Wings for drinks and dinner. We'd never met Marsha and Paul and enjoyed our time with them.
Last night we met Rick and JoAnne Morgan at Vero Amore Restaurant in Marana, just a bit north of us. We picked it because it was close to halfway between our two rv parks - they've been staying up at Picacho Peak for a few months. Its too cold in their home state of Colorado!
We realized it has been almost two years since we last saw each other and there was a lot to talk about!
Rick and his lovely bride, JoAnne |
One day Dave and I drove up the beautiful road to Mt. Lemmon On the way up you pass through forests of Saguaro, beside a rushing stream, past huge and fascinating rock formations, multiple thundering waterfalls, into pine forests and end in piles of snow! It is quite a ride.
pay no attention to the bullet holes..... |
a little postprandial relaxation |
hard to resist picking up pretty rocks..... |
two of the seven cataracts |
fantastic clouds this day |
brrrr, snow piles |
sandals and snow.... |
Today we drove south on I-19 to do a bit of birding in Madera Canyon.
the creek was so very clear and colorful |
Once in the area we turned off on Proctor Road, a rough dirt road with dispersed camping along its length. After crossing a small creek and a cattle guard we were pretty much all alone. We stopped frequently to pan the mesquite trees for possible birds and anything else of interest.
We stopped for lunch where the road ended in a small wash. Afterward we walked around a fence and continued along the wash for a nice short hike following small flocks of birds as we moved along.
down we go |
the Jeep's front bumper makes a nice seat! |
these brilliant white branches host wonderful birds |
a very busy lady Ladder-backed Woodpecker |
spring begins tentatively along the stream |
I took pictures of some of the birds we saw, and some we just enjoyed watching.
dark eyed junco |
first the "boys" came to drink (western bluebirds)
and then the girls |
The sunsets have been wonderful almost every night.
I can't believe how fast the time is going. We only have three more days left before we leave and we've so many more things we want to do!