

Friday, February 7, 2020


One of the things we like about this area is the proximity of Julian Pies.    I make good pie, it's not really that hard.    But buying a really really good pie is much easier.    And getting there today was half the fun!

Culp Valley Road

Pam and John joined us and we headed out on the regular route....paved roads through the mountains and down the other side.   On today's drive, however,  we took Culp Valley Road and a few other dirt roads in order to cut the corner into Santa Ysabel.   Our destination was the large Julian Pie Company store there.  Dirt roads are always much more fun for us.     We took lunch along in order to get an earlier start since we all had early dinner reservations at the Coyote Steakhouse in the Palms at Indian Head. 

We selected a large, sunny rock out of the wind for our lunch with a view spot.   Sorry, I took no pictures of the actual eating.      We did see a fire in the distance, we all hoped it was a prescribed burn and not the start of a forest fire.

Pie (multiple pies - don't judge) in hand we returned home using paved roads all the way.   We capped off our pleasant day with an equally pleasant, well priced prix fix dinner.      Once again,  no photos were taken. 

Mmmm Strawberry Rhubarb!

dinner view

Ho hum.....tomorrow looks to be another beautiful day in the desert, golf will be played.     


  1. lots of off-road adventures to be had. A friend went Coyote Canyon looking for wildflowers, not many flowers, but all 3 crossing still have water.
    Julian Pie a tasty reward after a fun day.

  2. Loved those Pies but did you know that their Cookies are equally delicious.
    Be Safe and Enjoy you golf.

    It's about time.

    1. now you've started something! We just came back from Julian with a sack full of those cookies too!

  3. Sounds like a very fun day with excellent companions! Love your lunch spot and your dinner view!

  4. Not to brag or anything, but I consider myself a bit of a pie aficionado... a true connoisseur of the delicacy that is pie, and, in my esteemed opinion, strawberry rhubarb is one of THE BEST types of pie... second only to Key Lime... Does Julian's make key lime, because if they do, I am driving my house to their parking lot and never leaving.

    1. Yes, they do have key lime pie in their case but I've never purchased one. They're so easy to make at home that we go for our very favorite strawberry-rhubarb ones (or their cherry...mmmmm)
