

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wednesday - last day in Eugene

Today was our last day in Eugene.  We spent most of it running last minute errands before we pull out in the morning.  A Chico's return, some grocery supplies,searching for a heavy duty needle and strong thread to try and re-bind part of our throw rug, buying a California Gazateer, bla, bla, bla.   Dave started stowing our outside stuff (grill, etc.) and I took Lewis for a quick ball session before we met Jesse and Erin for one last dinner together.  As usual, the meal was great and as a special treat we stopped at Sweet Life for a little post dinner sweet.

We'll miss seeing them every day.  We've been able to spend time with Jesse since early August, Erin since the beginning of September and the time really just flew by.  I can hardly believe its the end of September already.  It was hard to drive away from the house tonight, but I know we'll have more time together at Christmas.  Life is busy for them now, and we're on to new adventures.

We may be changing our plans a bit and heading towards interior California instead of following the coast.  More on that later when things start to gel.  For now, we're heading to Florence, Oregon.  It is due west of Eugene on route 126.  I've booked 7 days there and we're looking forward to investigating the wide beaches, tide pools, lighthouses and seafood restaurants.

trees around us are beginning to change color

 a few of the wild children I wrote about previously, sharing a quiet minute in the sun

trees in the forest behind our site have strange shapes

moss covers everything, even picnic tables in the forest

its beautiful up close

at the end of the forest path, home waits
We'll all miss the Eugene area.    The beautiful, sunny skies, the deep forests, mountains and fast flowing rivers.  The huge dog park here at our campground, often full of exuberant dogs greeting friends and racing around like their lives depended on it.  The range of wonderful restaurants, Market of Choice, Trader Joe's,  all the RV services, the quirky street system (well, we won't miss them TOO much, but they did make life interesting), the friendly people always willing to help, ready smiles, the enthusiastic Ducks fans displaying their passions every Saturday, the fantastic Saturday Farmer's Market, the little coffee stands everywhere, men's (young mens) kilts, dreadlocks, bicycles and all things "organic", "free range", "locally grown", and "green".   Sweet doggy girls, Ruby and Kikan and the very best sweet girl, Erin.   So much more....

But, we'll miss Jesse most of all.  Its been such a wonderful time, thanks.


  1. Oh, soooo sad to say goodbye to them ...such a fun-filled and relaxed way to visit them too! But, you are ON TO NEW adventures. I wish I could have been there for dessert!!!!! You didn't describe it but I could IMAGINE all the goodies....lucky you!

    And why aren't those little tyrant kids in school? Home schooled? What's up?

  2. Please thank Jesse and Erin for having you take their pictures. They are my highlight of many of your posts.
