

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Tuesday, our last day in Borrego Springs

After our lunch/brunch with Steve and MonaLiza we set off to see if the desert roads were passable after the weekend's rain.    We wanted to show them Fonts point and to get there we would need to drive 4 miles through wide, sandy Fonts Wash.

The "road" was fine, water pooled along the edges but the desert's sand had soaked up most of the recent rains.

MonaLiza walks to the edge to get a good shot

We crawled around a bit, enjoyed the 360 degree views and then decided to try our luck again by driving down to the South Fork of Palm Wash.   Last year Pam and John took us to a neat little slot canyon there and we knew that road would be more narrow and much rougher.   We hoped that the rain hadn't washed it out.

The road was rougher and the narrow wash was much wetter than Fonts Wash.  Last year John was able to drive all the way to the mouth of the slot, but the passage was slippery and deep this time so we parked our Jeep and hoofed it the rest of the way.

Rocky's sandy sneakers

The canyon contains interesting rocks and know how we love interesting rocks!    

the water line....glad we weren't here yesterday!

pull my finger?

After we dropped Steve and MonaLiza off (she had some shopping to do) we decided to take one last look at some of the famous metal creatures created by Ricardo Breceda.    We had seen most of them, but a there were a few left for us to find in the desert.

she is protecting the eggs in the nest at her feet

oops, this one is real.....

They see each other.....


  1. perfect pix of the two of you on canyon edge...couldn't help notice that sue's feet looked firmly planted! and those sculptures were stupendous. thanks

  2. We loved Fonts point also. Great photo of you two with all the beauty around you.
    We enjoyed the metal sculptures too. So creative.

  3. Nice of you to pay it back so Steve and MonaLiza didn't miss these awesome places:) Love the photo of you two on the Point:) MonaLiza does a nice job editing her photos. I always enjoy checking out the sculptures. Enjoy Ajo and Organ Pipe!! You will really enjoy the loop road in the park and the little town of Ajo. See you next week!! Wahoo!!

  4. Love, love, love the pic of you two - are your eyes closed? Your shot of ML on the rock is great! I really like that section of sculptures - not so busy. Nice to see a rider with a "proper" saddle :-))) Wonderful variations of sand and rock in that canyon - looks like great fun!

  5. We feel very special, for driving us again to fascinating places you already had been, thank you. Love all those close up pictures of rock/sand formation.
    I missed the dinosaurs section, another reason to come back to Anza Borrego. We are now in Q, and definitely colder here. Enjoy your scenic drive and don't forget to pick up the auto tour guide at the VC.
