

Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday - Patagonia Lake SP

Our last day here made me wish things were a bit different.  This is a great State Park, and a wonderful birding site.  We're still leaving here in the morning, but with a bit of unexpected sadness.  As we poked around a bit more today, we discovered an interesting park and a cool little town that is what it is and doesn't care if you like it or not.    We decided that we will definitely come back here if we can get a site in the loop that Rick and JoAnne and Lisa and Hans were in.  Sites are much further apart and more private.  NO tents there.    Here, in our loop, the tents have closed in on us.  Hans told us that spring break is starting - Ah, thats why  multiple tents with bare chested young men and lot of girls are springing up everywhere around us!

worried Lewis

neighbors to the rear

next door neighbors - Oh dear,  do I count 5 cots????
And now, for a few pictures of the pretty parts of this park.  

Ah, spring

Some of our quieter neighbors.....

Black Phoebe

Sand Devil
Late in the afternoon we walked up to visit with Hans and Lisa and Rick and JoAnne, in sites right across from each other.  We all had a nice time catching up and learning more about each other.  We'll see Hans and Lisa again at Roper Lake State Park later this month and really look forward to crossing paths with Rick and JoAnne in the future.

HI PAM!!!!!!


  1. Aww, thanks! So wish we could have been there. Next time for sure.

    John said you definitely have to get out of there. There's five cots there!!! Quick run!!!

    There were kids all over Snow Canyon today. We finally asked someone why. Spring break all over Utah...ugh!!! They are so noisy. We are looking for an out of the hike in Zion tomorrow.

    Travel safely!

    1. Yes - we missed you. Thanks for all the introductions - and next time for sure!

  2. Travel Safe you guys. It was great sharing a glass of wine with you last night. Tell Nina and Paul we said hi.

  3. So glad we got to see you again...and in a couple weeks too! I know you'll enjoy yourselves here with the right spot.

    See you soon!
