

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Black and Blue

We woke this morning to Tornado warnings flashing across the television screen and on the weather radio.    Black Sky

I called the RV Park Office and asked where we should go if the warnings progressed to a watch.....Their answer was a bit disconcerting.    No shelters anywhere in the area.   "just get in your car and drive the opposite direction"......very reassuring advice don't you think?

The warnings persisted until around 2 p.m. and by that time we had lost any interest in sightseeing so we hung around the campsite for the rest of the day, planning our move west.

By cocktail hour the sky had cleared and the threat of bad weather had passed.    We're leaving in the morning before Mother Nature has a chance to regroup.


  1.'s time to get out of Dodge. Tornadoes! Yikes!

  2. Can you believe this weather? Here's hoping for an uneventful move west.

  3. Safe travels:) Hope all stays calm and you are able to move out in the morning. Can't wait to see Beluga on the move:)

  4. Scary! Time to get out of that!

  5. Oh my goodness. I want to make a note not to stay at that park.

  6. Crazy weather anyway! Glad all turned out okay!

  7. Getting caught up again. You must have had doggie guests as I'm sure neither of your angels would ever leave drool on the floor :-) The planes were incredible, what a variety!! How lovely of the weather gods to give Dave that fun trip, and for his co-pilot to make sure it happened. Hope your miles today were good ones.
