

Monday, May 29, 2023

Hilton Head Island, SC

 Tonight we're in a North Carolina KOA on our way to Beluga's appointment at Freightliner (F!) Service Center in Gaffney, NC.     No's a KOA.....

We left our sweet spot at the Hilton Head Motorcoach Resort this morning under sunny skies.    The past few days were cloudy, windy and rainy but we didn't mind.    This trip isn't about seeing new things and exploring new areas, it's about enjoying familiar favorites and enjoying ourselves, no pressure.    Naps were taken, races were watched (NASCAR, Indy 500), pizza and wine were consumed, and some laundry was done.    ho hum

During our weeks stay we managed to get plenty of beach time on a slightly less desirable (think less crowded) Fish Haul Beach.    We poked around little sea creatures beached at low tide, laughed at the antics of sea birds plying their trade, loved the sound of waves hitting the sand and watched the planes taking off (and landing)  from the very nearby Hilton Head Island Airport.      This may be a negative to some, but a positive for us!

Fish Haul Rd

every shell we picked up was occupied!

who lives here?

he cocks......

he misses......

he finally scores!

We pick this beach because it's far away from the hotels at the center of the island, it's off a sand road, plenty of free parking and there is a fair amount of sea grass washed up on the beach.    Not enough to keep us from finding plenty of white sand to explore and set up our chairs, but not as aesthetically pleasing to the other paradise seeking tourists.    It's often windy but we don't mind.

Once again, food, familiar and fabulous food, is high on our list.    Last time I showed you Charlie's L'Etoile Verte.     We also revisited Michael Angelo, Hudsons on the Bay, and tried a couple new to us.   They are now on "the list".

Alfred's Potato Crusted Halibut - groan.....

Tagliatelli Bolognese at Michael Anthonys

what happened to my cannoli?

lunch at Hudson's on the Bay

We sat outside right beside the boats that brought in fish that morning.....

our lunchtime entertainment was watching the net repair

waiting for a handout?

waiting.....just in case

All in all we enjoyed our relaxed and delicious stop on Hilton Head Island.    The weather could have been better, we missed walking on Pinckney Island National Wildlife Refuge and the Audubon Newhall Preserve because of high winds and threatening rain.     

Soon we'll begin the "Friends" part of our Friends, Family and Food (and Familiar Favorites) Tour.   Flat Rock, NC will bring us close to Raven and Chickadee, we can't wait!


  1. OKay then ...North Carolina! Hope Freightliner is fast and furious with Beluga (but detailed as well for safety!) And looking forward to Raven & Chickadee's visit for the update on their tiny home as well as the latest VRBO. Seems like tons of cleaning got done unfortunately. Looking forward to your NY trails -- won't be long now. Seems like forever .... CindyP

  2. Stay tuned Cindy! But, let's now wish our lives away just yet...... So looking forward to seeing you

  3. Hi Sue…happy you had no pressure, down time and lots of yummy things to eat. And sorry the weather wasn’t up to snuff for a visit to the wildlife refuge and preserve. We love the shore birds too and often laugh out loud at their antics. Hope things go smoothly with Beluga and you will be on your way to see friends soon.

  4. My mouth is watering--potato crusted halibut--might have to try that on Mike, I'm trying to get him to eat more fish! :) Can't wait for the update on Eric and Laurel and how their tiny house is progressing!

    1. Yikes! That Halibut was at the German Restaurant and I mislabeled it! The halibut was actually encrusted with a Potato Pancake! Crispy, green oniony potato pancake! It was heavenly. He might like it, halibut especially, because I don't really "like" fish but I do enjoy halibut and really fresh swordfish.

  5. We have not spent much time on the east coast, but your visit sure makes it tempting. Lots to see, to do and to eat!

    1. Lots to not love about the east.....but then lots to LOVE about it too. So nice to be able to live where we want and visit where we want!

  6. That's such a beautiful part of the country, when it's not raining. Your trip sounds delightful, especially the relaxed pace part.

    1. It is beautiful Allison....and luckily we've managed to skirt most of the rainy, gray weather so there's that. Relaxed is the way we roll!

  7. Good thoughts for a speedy, hassle-free Beluga service. It's gotta happen for *someone.* I like your style of no pressure and calm relaxation. I want to be you guys when we grow up. I have a feeling that we'll see more of what's currently happening in R&C's world on YOUR blog before we see it on hers ;) :D

    1. The appointment is planned, and finger's crossed, they won't find anything malignant. Me thinks you'll have a long wait to be us when you grow up, sorry......we're NOT growing up anytime soon! We're looking forward to seeing R&C's new digs but I'm not sure I'll show you anything before she does, it wouldn't be proper.....

  8. Oh, you guys are SO CLOSE!!! We have a big list of fun things for you to choose from, but most of all, we're just thrilled to see you. Your time on Hilton Head sounds delightful. Next time we're there, we will definitely be going to Alfred's for potato crusted halibut. And I noticed that you said those restaurants are now on "the list," which makes me think that you'll be returning to the East Coast at some point.
    Meanwhile, we are excitedly awaiting your arrival! 😍😻😍

  9. Jodee Gravel5/30/23, 5:37 PM

    Your list is definitely a tasty looking one! I love marinas and watching the daily goings-on with the boats. Wonderful beach finds. We much prefer those less traveled options as well. Fun to see the hermits in all their variety of habitats. Will be so fun to see what the four of you get up to at your next stop!

    1. We went from feast to famine....tonight we're in Gaffney, SC at Freightliner Service......ah well
      Little boy Jesse bought Dave a hermit crab (Hermie) for his birthday one year and ever since then we've been fascinated by their antics and home choices!

  10. Thanks for taking back to the east coast beaches and water. Love seeing all the beachy objects. I so understand you desire to find the unpopulated beach. We think exactly alike in that area! So many delicious looking dishes. Potato Crusted Halibut...oh boy!!! While the weather wasn't ideal, you managed to find the silver lining as you always do:)

    1. Thanks Pam, I know you guys spent plenty of time in the east in your years on the road. We swore we'd not drive Beluga back again after we moved to Arizona, but it has it's charms and we've enjoyed ourselves so far! The desert does call though......
