

Wednesday, September 18, 2024


 The heat that drove us out of Usery Mountain Regional Park finally broke today.  It's in the high 80's with a lovely breeze and blue skies.    The birds are happy we're back, they've been wondering where their food and water have been these last few months.   

We arrived home on Tuesday, to the same temps. that we were trying to outrun.

Beluga takes our dirt road very slowly

We saw four new friends using the shade of the Beluga building. We don't mind, they're welcome to it.

It was hot for everyone; a young coyote was panting in what little shade a Saguaro could provide.

Taos wasn't feeling well, but it wasn't heat related.   He has been dealing with what we think may be Panosteitis, aka growing pains.    It's not uncommon in young, large breed, fast-growing puppies, causing pain in one or more legs.   It is a self-limiting condition that usually resolves by the time the dog is 2 years old (ish) and sometimes moves from one leg to another.    Our sweet Taos is very stoic, never complains, but we can see he hurts.

 This is totally my amateur diagnosis, but he fits the symptoms and demographic.  We haven't done any x-rays yet, but he is on some pain meds and his happy, sweet demeanor has returned.  

 He's enjoying the house's large clothes closet and its big screen TV. stairs.

Last Friday we all had a great Happy Hour at the Lowe's house, complete with MonaLiza's famous Lumpia!   It was wonderful to see them both and catch up.     There were a couple surprises for us.....

On one of their summer trips they had stopped in Julian, California to get a couple of their famous pies!    Strawberry/Rhubarb - Yay!    (I'm sad to report that it's all gone, already....burp).

The big surprise, however, was for Dave.    You'll remember that he and Steve labored long and hard on Steve's "pet", Tam, in his unairconditioned, rudimentary car shop.   

 Steve was a busy man while we were off laughing and playing.....


He'd completely refurbished the inside....floor, ceiling, walls, air conditioning, windows, including painted graphics, fancy wallpapered doors and a photo gallery of the process of Tam's rebuilding.   It was perfect in every way.

even the perfect hat to wear while riding in TAM!

Taos wasn't up to walking over to check it out himself, but he did enjoy some MonaLiza love afterward.

So, we're home and settled.    Beluga is in her building and Dave is busy getting ready to upgrade some of her systems (he has no rest in his bones....).

  I'm busy getting ready for a family trip to Costa Rica in a week or so!  (ha, maybe no rest in mine either!)    Stay tuned.


  1. Awww..poor Taos. Sorry to hear that he's under the weather for a bit. And, WOW, Steve's garage!! What a spectacular transition -- I kept flipping back to the rudimentary picture with Tam and then back again! Amazing. I mean -- it looks like an expensive showroom! Hope all else is well and that you are settling in with the process of preparing for the next CR trip! Love you guys. CindyP

    1. He did a fantastic job didn't he! Love you too!

  2. Steve did a great job on his car shop.
    Taos has really gotten comfortable around people.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your Air-Conditioner.

    It's about time.

  3. Great garage remodel! Air conditioning is good. Poor Taos, it's sad that he's in pain. Welcome back to the desert.

    1. Air conditioning rules! The garage is a work of art for Steve isn't it! Hopefully Taos pain episode won't last too much longer.

  4. Hi Sue…welcome home! Poor Taos…sure hope he is feeling better real soon. What a sweet photo of him watching TV. Steve and ML look great. And so does Tam’s home!

    1. Thanks Gay. We hope this pain episode passes soon. He loves to watch tv and birds, and helicopters and everything that comes into view! Steve did a fantastic job, did't he!

  5. Poor Taos--I'm sure he's glad to be home too! Glad the heat finally broke for you guys! Steve did a great job on that shop--wow! Costa Rica--wow again--enjoy!!

  6. Growing pains, ouch!... Hopefully Taos will recover quickly.
    Lumpia and Julian pie! Those could be a could food groups. The Pacific Islands Fest is this weekend, I'll be looking for lumpia!
    and WOW! Steve did a fabulous job building a showroom for Tam. That's a perfect mancave.
