

Sunday, March 8, 2015


the sun does its best to peek
through the squalls
When I pulled up my shades this morning I was so disappointed to see that winter is still here...sigh.

But, hope springs eternal......As I sit here typing this blog the sun has broken through and has begun to moderate the temperature.  Can Spring be trying to arrive?  Be still my beating heart!

 The eves are dripping and a few minutes ago Lewis FLEW off the couch at the sound of a huge mass of snow sliding off the metal roof.   Poor Lewis.    A few brave souls are out trying to snowshoe on the lake.

We're not doing much that is exciting or even interesting these last few weeks.   We're continuing to settle the cottage, take care of yearly Dr./dentist/Veterinarian appointments, taxes.

In our hurry to "get in" on moving day, Dave accidentally put our bed together backward and its been bothering us ever since.     Today we hauled the heavy Tempurpedic mattress off the antique frame,  dismantled the entire thing and put it back together the right way (and by "we" I mean Dave of course).  

Most importantly, I'm filling March's calendar pages with promises of dinners and visits with our dear friends and family.    Time is moving a bit quicker now, thank goodness.

Sasha takes turns snoozing on the couch, in her open crate and on the floor.    Lewis is so bored he's offered us a choice of balls to play with this afternoon.  


  1. We've been lamenting a few 35 degree's hard to imagine what it must be like with snow lingering for weeks!!! I'd go stir crazy!

  2. Aaaah the metal roof snow slide...poor Lewis. Hope he lives through this last winter in NY. It sure has been a dandy.

  3. Winter is certainly giving you guys a real send off - apparently making sure you will never again be there this time of year! Although beautiful to look at, it has to wear on you after a while. Sasha likely has the right idea. I shouldn't say the a/c came on yesterday afternoon when the temps were in the high 80s........that wouldn't be nice at all :-(

  4. Busy busy. Poor Lew so bored and I have two poodles that think the same just not because of the weather but because of their Mom! Glad things are moving along for you and my coworker just said her daffodils are up - this is crazy! I do have to say I miss the snow you all got and we did not this winter.

  5. That first photo isn't very pleasant. Glad to see the sun did break through. Everything is better with the bright sunshine:)

    I can just imagine Lew's panic with the snow slide. The dogs will be thrilled to see all this white stuff gone. I'm Lewis can use a good long chasing ball time!

    Don't you just love the "we" projects!! We have a lot of "we" projects around here, as well:)

    Hang in there! It is almost time to head out:)

  6. Im sure everyone is counting down for the departure heading west!
    Love those window captures, just to view it but not living it.
    And the sun in West Texas has finally out of the clouds. Yeah!
