

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

A Real Diamond Day

 We're here in Big Timber, settled in our site on the banks of the beautiful Boulder River.

clear blue skies today!

Dave's coffee came from Janna....our coffee maker just died
She's a life saver.

can you see the Merganser family zooming around?

Second cup outside is wonderful, water sounds, bird song, sunshine.    Well, except for the sound of a puking puppy.....the beautiful green grass is just too much for him to resist and the result is - well, you know what the result is.  

We leave in the morning, on our way south to Buffalo, Wyoming.   No particular reason to stop there, it's just on our way.


Yesterday was a Diamond Day for us.    We met Janna and Mike of  at their beautiful and private home here.    We haven't spent much time with them, just a visit at their Arizona winter headquarters and a lunch at ours so we were looking forward to getting to know them better.    They have a new pup, Kaycee, who is just a month younger than our Taos so we were set for some fun!

Janna had a full day planned and she couldn't have given us a better day!   We loaded up our Jeep, turned on our walkie talkie (or whatever they're called these days) and followed their little yellow Jeep out the long driveway.

Once out onto the road we followed them to our first stop, Natural Bridge Falls.

 After a brief photo stop, we walked across the bridge and took a little hike (walk) around to the various viewpoints before returning for a picnic lunch, complete with a red checked tablecloth!   Oh Janna, you're too good!

big and little puppies

Little Miss Kaycee was the perfect hostess.   She invited Taos to play, batting him in the face and scooting around him.     He enjoyed her overture's and tried to play as gently as his huge self could, with a leash attached.     On the walk and during our lunch they were very well behaved and stayed calm.    Later, at the house, howe er, he became tangled in his leash and fell on top of her.....she didn't like that one bit and he was embarrassed so we decided it was time for their visit to end.   Sorry Kaycee girl, he's not in total control of his body yet!

I couldn't capture the grandeur of the falls with my little phone.   I tried, but these are the results.    The colors and the speed and the sound of the racing water were incredible.


It was a little smoky that day, I can only imagine how the mountain and river views would pop on a clear day.

Michael led us up the Boulder with Janna narrating along the way - perfect!    We saw (and heard about) the famous folks living in the area, Michaels early life and family homes, the huge church camps beside the river and anything/everything else that I asked about.   

Sage Grouse, aka stupid grouse (I know that isn't it, but I can't remember the right name, help Janna!)

that water looks mighty cold to me....

the wind caused that bay horse to shy, but his rider never lost her seat, or her hat!

They even led us on an off shoot to see the huge Palladium mine in the area that brings it's employees up those graded dirt roads in large buses daily.....because I asked.   How's that for being generous hosts?

At the end of the day we followed them home, back down the Boulder, to a lovely and delicious al fresco dinner on their patio.  

rhubarb pie! 
(and Dave's other favorite food, deviled eggs, for lunch!  Oh my)

 First, though, they took us up the hill behind their home, the hay field, to show us their views, and I was blown away.    I don't know why it affected me so, but it really did.     Silence, just the sound of the wind. expansive vistas in every direction, not a soul in sight, ahhhh, just ahhhhh.

Once again, my phone couldn't capture.....

Some days are diamonds.....


  1. What a lovely post! We so enjoyed getting to know you guys a bit better and spending the day with you. Love your photos and you even caught that horse shying! I especially love the photos of the jeeps in the hayfield! We call those grouse "fool's hens". Kayce said to tell Taos, "it's OK, you didn't mean to fall on me!" Such a fun day! Enjoy the rest of your trip!

    1. Fool's Hens! Stupid grouse, I wasn't far off, tee hee! I loved the Jeeps in the hayfield too Janna. Thank you Kayce, you're most gracious. We hope to see you again down the road!

  2. So jealous! What a great day. We don't have grouse here, but we do have turkeys which Barb has a nickname for. Not appropriate for put on here but it starts with an "F" followed by the word Turkeys. Apparently, she does not like them pooping on our sidewalk!

    1. You missed out on a nice day, that's for sure! I would use Barb's terminology also, and have for the Canada Geese that used to leave the same slippery deposits everywhere! Apparently, they're called Fools Hens, because they don't move when people, animals, or vehicles approach and are often easily shot, eaten or run over. This hen and her chick stood quietly on the road as Dave opened the Jeep's door and took their picture.

  3. Definitely a Diamond Day! Good friends sharing fun adventures and awesome meals.

  4. What a delightful day! It's so much fun to spend time with friends that you already "know" from blogging and to have the opportunity to deepen the friendship in person. I love your description and photos of your adventures. It truly was a "diamond" day...and whoa, that pie! And two very cute dogs to round out the posse :-)

    1. That pie was delicious, and so unexpected! Our blogger friends have been such a blessing in our lives. People we would never have crossed paths with before.

  5. So glad you had such a wonderful visit to Big Timber. You got the grand tour, as well. The falls are spectacular. Good to see Taos and Kaycee manage to spend the day together. Janna is a wonderful host.

    1. We truly had the grand tour with such great guides. Janna and Michael are truly wonderful hosts living in a beautiful place.

  6. What a wonderful day for everyone and two very cute and sweet pups! I love your descriptions and could almost hear the roaring water and birds singing. That’s a great photo of Janna, Michael and Kaycee and the other one of Dave and Michael with the pups on the bridge. I too think the jeeps parked on the hayfield is awesome…oh that view! Janna’s pie looks yummy and I know Dave enjoyed the deviled eggs! Safe travels!

    1. Thanks Gay. We really enjoyed our day with Janna and Mike. What a beautiful part of the country they live in! The pie and those eggs topped the day off perfectly, especially for my driver!

  7. Good gravy, if you think you were behind on blogging -- four posts I hadn't seen/read until just now! So much summer fun -- pies, puppies, people, places. Taos and little Annie could not be cuter together. I relax just reading your posts, thanks for the detailed descriptions and illustrative photos. It's like being right with you but not bothering anyone :D :D

    1. It's because you have so many interesting things to do that you haven't been reading blog posts, right? My mother used to say "Good Gravy Marie"! I haven't heard that in so long, thanks for bringing her back for a minute.

  8. Looks like you might have been at the park we stayed at outside of the little town. It's such a pretty area no matter where you stay. Lucky you getting spend time with MandJ and little K - she's so tiny next to Taos! Great shot of the three of them :-)) And that final shot is truly stunning, even capturing the Big Sky that is a real thing "up there". Glad I'm finally catching up with your adventures, fun to see all Taos is experiencing for the first time, like seeing the same world through the eyes of a child.

    1. The campground was still under construction after severe flooding so we got to listen to earth movers and bull dozers occasionally, but the river running behind us was all the "noise" we needed. It was a real fun stop and we're glad we got to see little Kayce when she was a baby!
