

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Real Time


zzzz, sometimes he forgets to lie down

Finally I'm writing this post from where I'm sitting, right now!     We're in Three Forks, Montana until the morning.   It's been a short stop but one we always enjoy.  We took the time to explore the area around the confluence of the three rivers (Jefferson, Madison and Gallatin) that come together here to form the Missouri River (our nation's longest river).     The Missouri ultimately flows into the mighty Mississippi north of St. Louis and then into the Gulf of Mexico.

We didn't feel we had enough time to test out this theory, so we came up with the next best thing....

If you own a Jeep you probably know about the annoying habit some people have of leaving a small rubber ducky on your vehicle when you're not looking (i.e. in parking lots, etc.) We don't know what it means, or why it's done, but we've accumulated a few.   Neither of us are interested in starting a collection so, as a result, we've put them on other people's Jeeps, thus perpetuating the tradition.    Well, here we finally found a logical use!


Off he goes!      I wonder if he'll end up in New Orleans this fall?

Tomorrow our next stop is in Big Timber, Montana.    There we'll meet up with friends and maybe celebrate our 54th wedding anniversary.    

Before I go, let me show you the last few pictures from our stay in Polson.

We watched this fire from our campground.  It started the day after we arrived in the heavily forested and uninhabited Mission mountains.  At night it shown with an eerie orange glow. 

Our site was under huge blue spruce trees and one large and vigorous Basswood tree.   Basswood blossoms were irresistible to Taos and caused many pukes.  We had to be vigilant and work on "leave it" every time we sat down on our patio.  

Some days are diamonds, some days are stones, sang John Denver.    One day we had a stone day.    "Lake County Fair - rides, animals, food and fun - the area's biggest fair"  touted the campground's handout.     It was running while we were there and wasn't too far away so we decided it would be a good learning experience for Taos.     No, nope, no rides, no food and no fun that we could see.   Pigs and cattle barns but no rides, no food, nothing that looked remotely like fun.    Ah well.    There were two Wildlife Preserves in the area so we were off to see some birds.  Must not be bird season.     Back to Polson then.   I had heard about the Safe Harbor Marsh Preserve on a peninsula along the shores of Flathead Lake.   Sounds like fun!     Google showed a small road to "there" so off we went.   Dave is such a good sport.

  Along the shore turned out to mean, high ABOVE the shore, very high.   Pretty scenery kept me busy and the tiny, rough and twisty road kept Dave busy.   Taos, slept.   


 When we got to the spot that dear Google told us to watch wasn't there.  It was on the screen, but not really there.    Ah well, back to Polson we went, down that same rough, twisty high road.   

Perhaps a nice lakeside lunch would be good?   It was late in the day and we'd had no lunch yet.   (Dave had been looking forward to a burger and fries at the fair....) We'd seen a Mexican restaurant with a large, lovely patio right by the bridge.  


Turns out the patio was closed that day.     Dave's lunch was yummy and Taos had the experience of lying quietly under a booth inside a restaurant.    I wanted an ice cream cone after lunch but found out that Scoops had turned into a Cannabis shop.  sigh.    We called it a day.   Not quite a Diamond, but not altogether a Stone either.

To end on a sweet note, here's Annie!



  1. Not all great explorations work as expected, but still the journey must be nice. The lake and rivers make for a wonderful site. Taos is so well behaved in so many settings, you've done a great job with him.
    The rubber ducks are an act of kinship, sorta like 'Have a Nice Day', We've only collected a couple. Jeepers must like yours better ;)

    1. Thanks Jeff. Taos is a great guy, mostly well behaved and calm. I sort of "get it", but why a rubber duck? I hope whoever finds it along it's river route will have a nice day too!
      We're such babes, the first time we found one on the Jeep (it was a one-dimensional picture of a rubber duck) we thought it was some sort of a marker, a sign for someone else to find our Jeep! I was freaked! heee heee!

  2. I too have never heard of the duck/jeep thing. Glad you made the best of your "stone" day! Hopefully some of Taos's calm rubs off on Kayce!

    1. We'll see....he has his moments of insanity! If he feels overwhelmed, he performs freight train like zoomies - watch out!

    2. So does Kayce--they can zoom together!

  3. No fair! We tried to stop by Big Timber on both directions of our trip and were foiled by a snowstorm and then a sickness. Hope you have fun!

    1. Yikes! I think we'll miss the snow thing, but I hope we don't get sick! Our coffee maker died this morning, does that qualify for a Big Timber catastrophe?

  4. Oh my -- what a day! But, you ended it extremely well with that darling picture of Anabel! just love her -- getting cuter by the day. And Taos is building his "resilience" for the wanderlust of his guardians, day in and day out. That boy's got a strong reserve to quietly tackle whatever you two plan! I love it. CindyP

  5. Wanderlust indeed..... Taos is a good traveler, a very good thing in this family!

  6. Not all days workout but you found the silver linings and still got out there. Fun times! Seeing the wildfire would have me quite nervous. Love Taos dozing while sitting:) Anabel changes so much with each photo. So sweet:) Have fun in Big Timber!!

    1. Silver linings are always to be found, right? The wildfire I pictured was very very far from us, but it was rather unnerving to watch its progress as the days went on.

  7. Hi Sue…puppies and the pukes are NO fun. Poor boy! Taos reminds me of Joe watching movies…he can sleep anywhere and anytime! Love the photo with Flathead Lake. It’s such a beautiful area and that narrow, twisty road brings back nice memories. We have been ducked so many times! And like you, we pass them on to other jeeps too. We were told in Moab that it’s a nice compliment to get ducked as it says “ love you jeep!”. What a sweet picture of Annie…oh those eyes! Have fun in Big Timber…and enjoy your time with Janna, Michael, and Kaycee.

    1. Puppy least they give you fair warning when they're "coming up"! Taos does love to sleep, anywhere, any time. I say it's because he's growing so darn fast he needs to rest from it all! Is that Joe's problem too? (tee hee) I hope I didn't hurt anyone's feelings when we flung that duck into the Missouri was an experiment, right?

    2. Too funny! If I say yes to that being Joe’s problem, I’ll never hear the end of it so I will cross my fingers behind my back and just say, “no…”. You are so right about the puppies warning, but I was never quite fast enough to grab them up and move them outside or to the bathroom with no carpet in the MH…🤪😩! I can’t I imagine anyone’s feelings being hurt by putting a duck in water and sending it on its way. If feelings are hurt, they have issues! Enjoy and hugs to you three!

  8. Oh those eyes of sweet Annie! What a doll! Dee
