

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Catch up

 We've been in the Spokane area since July 1.   We're enjoying family time and getting ready to head up into Canada on a weeklong birthday celebration for Jesse and Annie.   Dave picked some beautiful Rhubarb for the required birthday pie!

goodies from the community garden at Wild Rose RV

In an effort to catch up to real time, let me take you back to the beginning of our trip....

off we go!

Our first stop on this trip was one of our favorites....Boulder City, NV.    We got to spend some time with Pam and John, eat some really good Chinese food, and enjoy some auto hiking with dear friends.    Oh, and a little pool and river time to boot!

John the teacher.....

Taos is a Lab., typical in some ways and not in others.    His stomach has a very accurate knows when it's dinner time, happy hour and second cup down to the minute.    He's sweet and curious, loving and smart, as Labs are.    He's not a a block head, as some Labs are, and he doesn't see the need for water except to make ice cubes or to drink.    No matter how much coaxing and cajoling the four of us did he was NOT going into the pool, not even a toe.    Not afraid at all, just not going in.   Water is for drinking says he.

One day we took him to the river, to see if he would wade in and perhaps swim?

He walked in willingly and followed me out to where he could no longer stand.

His front end began to float and he discovered, if he leapt up and down, his rear legs would contact the bottom and he could motor along like a porpoise - so that is what he did.    Up and down, up and down, splash, splash, splash, until he could stand once again.   Alrighty then, not a swimmer!

Another day we drove up to the Mt. Charleston area where the temps were much cooler.      We took a short hike to a little slot canyon that Pam and John knew about.     Taos didn't wear the "hiking boots" we brought for him.   Once again, he willingly tried them on and walked around, but clearly didn't like them so we gave him a break and let him go barefoot.    If it was much hotter outside, he would have had no choice but to wear them!


boys in the shade

Mt. Charleston

learning to navigate steep, metal grate stairs

Poor Taos was so tired from all his outdoor adventures that he slept like a hibernating bear!    Didn't even notice the piece of turkey we placed in front of his nose!

Our next stop was in Caliente, NV at the small, beautiful and very quiet Kershaw-Ryan State Park.    For most of our 3 day stay we were alone.....a real bonus for me.


happy Beluga

 This park is remarkably green.  Nevada always surprises us.    Verdant green trees, grape vines and hollyhocks everywhere.  

The gloriously silent surroundings begged us to just "be", to sit still and watch the birds and play with the dog.   

he's almost too big for laps....almost

We did rouse ourselves to take a beautiful drive through Rainbow Canyon but, that's about all we did.   Nice.

water crossing

A relatively short drive north (about 130 miles) brought us to our next stop in Ely, NV.    Another spot in "dry, dusty, boring Nevada" that constantly surprises us.

The last nature stop in Nevada was, again, north on 93 to Wells.   Angel Lake RV Park is right off the highway and across the street from a Maverik Fuel station, but it's pleasant and low key and Beluga's view isn't bad at all! 

 We were there for two nights so after a quiet evening, we used the next day to drive up to the glacial tarn called Angel Lake.   We've been there before and were chased away by some pretty substantial rainstorms.    This time it was the heat that kept us from hiking around the lake.   No matter, it was just as beautiful, and we enjoyed our picnic lunch and short walk.

yay!   snow......

You're probably wondering how it could be too hot to hike but still have snow for Taos to scoot around in.    Angel Lake sits at about 8400 feet above sea level!

After Wells we had a bounce night in Caldwell, Idaho and then arrived at Blue Lake RV Park in Walla Walla for our 5 day stay.      We love Walla Walla's wineries, restaurants and scenery.   To the north are the undulating Palouse Hills and the Blue Mountains to the south.    We took full advantage of the wine tastings and the great food.    Taos added a few new experiences to his repertoire.

He listens politely

yes, he is in a stall.....


sigh....another winery.....sigh

Brasserie Four

Croque Madame with picked onion = happy Dave


halibut and rose

Mmmm, restaurant ice!

uh ohhhhh

And now, we come to sweet Annie!    We've spent some low-key time with Jesse, Erin and Anabel so far and we're getting ready to head up to Canada with them to celebrate the birthdays.

Grandpa teaching bad habits

puddles are fun

puppy and baby and grandma

red onions aren't too bad!


Next, Birthday week!



  1. I was so excited to see your post Sue! First…Taos is growing so fast! The photo with the hiking boots is the cutest ever! And although one would guess that labs love the water and he would have most likely jumped right in, I am not surprised that the big boy knows what he likes and doesn’t like and obviously swimming isn't on his list of “let’s do this!”. Such a smart boy! I love how you describe his internal clock…our little Jack was just the same ! And sleeping puppies are like sleeping babies…so darn sweet! How fun to spend a few days with John and Pam!
    Second…sweet little Annie! I love the photo of you, Annie and Taos and I also love the last photo of Grandpa and Annie…not sure if it’s a hug or a sleepy Annie, but either way, it is so sweet! It’s a great blog Sue…looking forward to the birthday week!

  2. Thanks Gay. We wonder when he'll stop growing, how big will he get? It's fun being with Annie and watching her grow too!

  3. I'm wondering when Kayce will stop growing! As Gay said Sue, great blog and I too was excited to see it this morning! Love all the photos and descriptions of Taos--he's a smart boy! Why the strap around his mouth--I have my guesses--but wondered?? Those photos of you and Taos with Anabel, the one with Dave and Anabel--so, so sweet! Enjoy your Canadian trip!

    1. Thanks Janna. It is fun watching these babies grow, change and learn, isn't it?
      The tan line around Taos nose is called a figure eight leash, similar to the Gentle Leader that most people use for better walking control. I dislike the GL and the dogs seem to also, but this one really makes a huge difference in our walks. He doesn't seem to have a problem with it and we can walk him with just a few fingers on the leash. I'll show you when we see you.

  4. I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE seeing you guys with a dog ... so sweet and Taos is perfect! And talking "sweet" -- let's see more pictures of Anabel!!! She has grown so much and I just love the walking that is going on right now. Precious girl and so loved. Cindy

    1. Thanks Cindy. It's fun having a dog again, if only for awhile..... Lots of growing around here, babies and puppies!

  5. Taos will be a perfect companion, such a great puppy. You've made a great journey to Spokane, such good friends along the way and wonderful places to explore.
    Anabel is growing so fast and so curious ... but red onion ???

    1. She's a very adventurous girl, and an adventurous eater, but red onion surprised me also!

  6. Taos is so sweet and it is obvious that you guys are doing a great job in the training department.

    So cool that you saw John and Pam. I am glad you were able to get in a few hikes with them.

  7. Thanks guys, Taos is a wonderful guy as you can see....It was great, as always, to spend some time with Pam and John again.

  8. We have to follow this route the next time we head north - so pretty!! OMG the bug picture cracks me up :-)) Delightful to see all of the new experiences Taos is enjoying with you two, and with little Annie (priceless pic of the three of you). Bouncing in lieu of swimming sounds like lots of fun.

    1. This is the second time we've used this route and we like it. There's always danger on the roads, two lane or interstate, but there isn't much traffic this way and I like the scenery.
      We're having fun with the family, here and in Canada, but we'll be on our way again this weekend. By the way, Taos has decided that water is really just for drinking or possibly snuffing around for stones under the surface....

  9. Love the photo of Taos with the boots, that's his "I'm not sure about this" face. Hot here, we got back on Wednesday to 100+ temps, still better than Sunday night in Boulder City i=on our way up. 116!!! Yikes!

    1. Hot, hot hot! We're in Spokane now, getting ready to leave on Sunday when the temps. reach a predicted 107! I don't know what's worse, the desert southwest or the inland pacific....

  10. Looking forward to Canada photos. You really have seen the pretty side of Nevada. We always want to "get there" and so don't stop to look. Ely is very surprising.

    1. Sometimes one just has to "get there" as you say, but I always wonder what I'm missing as we whiz by places that appear ugly and lifeless! It's one of the reasons I enjoy traveling in Beluga, the time and inclination to slow down and look around.

  11. I think I like the booties pose and the sidewalk "art" the best LOL Not a swimmer, huh? Will he need to learn to be fully trained? At least he's not afraid of water -- I can respect a pup who knows what he likes :D So many familiar town names from your Nevada travels, making me feel quite nostalgic. Hope you're well into birthday fun in Canada!

    1. I know I wasn't supposed to laugh at Tao's sidewalk creation, that it was a mistake, but....I laughed my head off. Dave didn't even notice what was happening as he was walking along.....focus forward!

  12. Taos is the most well travelled and most exposed among his peers who are under training. He will be a great guide dog. He will be bigger than I when he gets back home! Love all the pics of grannie and grandpa with Annie, such a cutie and growing fast too.

    1. He certainly is getting lots of new experiences this trip, as are we! Both "kids" are growing fast and have captured our hearts.

  13. I love revisiting all of Taos latest adventures. He just so a sweetheart. So many wonderful new experiences. You certainly had a nice trip through NV. Of course, we so enjoyed having lots of time to just visit together with you three. Always a favorite time:) You did a great job capturing Anabel. Beautiful photos:) She's precious.

    1. Our time with you at the beginning of this trip started us off on the right foot! We so enjoy our time together. Nevada didn't disappoint, we had some beautiful times on the way up here to Spokane. On to Montana in the morning!

  14. I remember the first time many years ago that we traveled through Nevada...we thought it was going to be dusty and boring, and instead, it was so gorgeous! How wonderful to begin your trip with a visit with Pam and John. We miss all of you!

    Taos is getting all kinds of great experiences with you guys, and he seems to take everything in stride. Except those boots, haha! He's such a good boy. Love, love the photos of Anabel with you two!

    1. Preconceived notions are often wrong aren't they! Nevada has lots of beauty to offer if one just looks. We all miss you too, can't wait to see you this winter! As I look back at these blog posts I see how time flies.....Annie is walking now!
