

Thursday, April 26, 2012

We're back....

Dave completed the (evidently) required air card update this morning with a few simple key strokes and a mea maxima culpa, and we're back up and running!

Yesterday we took an on/off trolley tour of Savannah and as we sat by the river eating our shrimp po'boys, we decided to return Friday and really take time to see this seductive city slowly and on foot.  The sights were coming at us too fast and the place is just too special to skim over.

Often during the day, my thoughts turned to memories of a younger Jesse.  As we passed street after lane after leafy, green square filled with such a diversity of architecture, such a wide timeline of styles I thought of how he would have loved the detail and history of this place.   I think his early love has lead him to just the right career path
hand made (slave hands) brick

1 comment:

  1. Oh MY ....beautiful photos. Must visit here ...noting that in my journal!
