

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

I'm back!!!  Thanks to all who sent me suggestions, I appreciate the time you took to try and help.  In the end I bought a bit more storage room (who knew I needed storage room) and the pictures seem to be loading just fine.   Here are a couple from a few days ago...

Lake Cahulla

ho hum, another sunset

Turkey breast in crockpot - check, pumpkin pie out of the oven - check, Thanksgiving phone call with Jesse - check, new shocks installed on the jeep - check, parade watched - check, dog show watched - check,
Yep, this must be Thanksgiving!   Now I'm going to go outside and do a bit of reading in the sun while I wait for dinner to finish cooking, it smells divine in here.

my unconventional Thanksgiving centerpiece

my grease monkey hard at work

my sweet boy, watching....

I hope everyone had the best day possible, I know we did.

1 comment:

  1. And a lovely day it was! 70's over here, Sue! Sunny and calm. Perfect weather. And lots of good family to enjoy a delicious meal.

    Oh yes, I can just imagine how good it smelled in that little RV of yours!

    that Dave ...he never stops!
