

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thursday - diamonds and stones

Yesterday we drove the 55 or so miles back up to Bishop and picked up our throw rug.  We left it there to be re-bound, one margin had come undone from constant indoor ball playing.  We tried to find someone in Eugene to do the job, but had no luck.  There is no end to the treasures to be found in little Bishop, California.  We used the carpet as an excuse to do some grocery shopping at Von's (in the Safeway family), use our rewards card to fill up the jeep with gas, get some take-out Holy Smoke BBQ for dinner, and, you guessed it, ate lunch at Erik Schat's bakery!

Dave enjoying the pickle from his favorite lunch - roast turkey and cranberry sauce.
Do you think Roy Rogers is eating inside, looks like he left his horse outside, behind Dave...

Look what pulled in behind us last night - JoAnn....   RT must have a thing for white haired women.....

We woke up  to our first cloudy morning today.   Luckily, they were high clouds and moved off by the time we went out for our coffees.    The wind calmed down by lunchtime so we decided to try and play at least 9 holes at the little local golf course.    We weren't sure it was still open, no one ever seemed to be there when we pass by but it was worth a try.    Sure enough, open and no one else playing.   We enjoyed the peacefulness of the empty course and the wide open spaces.   The quiet was only broken by the sound of club on ball and  occasional high speed, high altitude passes by jets and eagles.

When I asked Dave how he felt his round went today he replied by quoting Jesse Alan Bank, by way of John Denver - Some Days are Diamonds, Some Days are Stones...enough said about the golf game.


wonderful cloud formations over the Sierras today

interesting course, sand traps,  gopher holes and cattle hazards

the golf course was in rough shape, but someone must love roses, aren't these beautiful?

All this sunset needed was color!   
we waited and waited for the glow to begin and paint these spectacular clouds.  it never came, sorry Jeannie..

1 comment:

  1. ho hum....another bakery!! you lucky devils!! Makes me hungry!

    But, I am consoling myself with my search for my next dachshund. That always makes the world look brighter! Tough finding the mini wire-haired ones.

    Then again, I've got these dear friends travelling in their motor home all over the country...seems like I could find something somewhere and you could just pick him up for me and bring him East! Now, that would definitely get Dave driving in the right direction!
