

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thanksgiving Saturday

Blew off another one!

I managed to get a photo of one of the new (to us) birds stopping by our birdie spa this morning at coffee time.

this beautiful California Thrasher hung around the "spa" and seed feeder for a long time, before the sound of cantering horses frightened him off.   He stayed hidden, but eventually succumbed to the lure of fresh water and food.  What a morning show we have!

I think I mentioned a bit ago, how we must have cooties because no one pulled into either spot next to us.  They just drove past and went somewhere else.  Well......we've finally lost our privacy completely.  Last night a huge 5th wheel shoehorned itself on our driver's side and this afternoon, an old motorhome chose the spot on our passenger side.  At least these sites are fairly large (ours being the best because it is pie shaped and outlined with oleander bushes).    Poor Lewis, however, began to feel really hemmed in.

you can see a reflection of the incoming motorhome in Beluga and poor Lewis pressing himself  as far away as possible

he's worried about our new neighbor
Lewis is fairly selective about who he is scared of and who is a "friend" instantly.  Nina, Paul and Polly stopped by tonight and they brought Nina's lovely sister Pia.  She is from England and has flown in for a week's visit.  Lewis took an immediate like to her and welcomed the newcomer into our compound.  He would have fixed her a drink if I didn't get to it first.   We parted with promises of a good hike, golf and perhaps a mexican dinner with margarita's later this week.

After many machinations, we finally completed a Facetime call to Melanie Kraft.  She and Joe have moved to Boston and Cindy/Norm were there for Thanksgiving in the new condo.  It was great seeing and talking with them, Facetime worked out beautifully at last so we got the full tour.

A Clint Eastwood movie awaits, action to counteract the snooze of last night's "Iron Lady".  

1 comment:

  1. Did you say "cantering horses??" Really? Right near your compound? Do tell!
