

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Chatfield State Park

We finally left Kansas, the bad weather moved away and we drove under blue skies.

We like the spot we have, views of the lake and nice privacy for second cup and happy hour outside.    I decided to "help" Dave set up our sitting area, spread out the mat, put up the x pen, move the picnic table....

see those dark spots in the gravel?   From me....

I should have let him do it.....

looks worse than it is.   I'm fine
  Yep, 8 staples in my head from the edge of the fire pit.   Damn.

This morning Dave took over and set everything up nicely for our second cup.   I'll leave this  job to him in the future.


  1. Oh owie owie owie, your poor head. Scalp wounds are just the worst. Hope it heals quickly. Did Mr. David's Home Staple Repair close the wound? Kidding! Just kidding....

  2. Glad you are all right:) Head wounds are the worst. Staples make a quick job of closing the wound.

    Sure looks like a lovely location for sitting outside and enjoying the view. Enjoy and be careful, please:)

  3. OUCH!!!!! And head injuries bleed a LOT! I can only imagine what a crazy scene this must have been!

  4. Double Ouch!!!! One time when we were up in Montana, an older gentlemen was out in the dark trying to get his loose dog to come back into his rv. He went to grab his dog from under the front of our fifth wheel and stood up straight into our fifth wheel hitch and nearly knocked himself out. We were inside the rv and felt it shake and wondered what the hell was that. We went out and saw the old guy holding his head with a similar gash to yours. I think he needed some stitches as well. Hope you heal up soon.

  5. Oh noooo!!!! That looks so painful! Relax, enjoy that peaceful view, and heal quickly!

  6. Seems a bit extreme to avoid future setting up - but we do what we have to :-))) Geez I'm glad it's not as bad as it looks! Must have scared Dave too :-( Other than the death trap, it's a beautiful site. Take care of yourself.

  7. okay.. rule number one - NO headers into the fire pit!!!

  8. Nooooooo! I had staples like that a few years back so I commiserate. Ouch and lots of blood I’m sure (heads are bleeders, as I’ve been told). I’m glad the pit didn’t impact something softer and I hope plentiful gin and tonics are included in the recovery plan. Polly sends healing kisses!


  9. Just reading this today...unplugged til now. I'm with Jodee: the fire pit is a death trap! Hope you gave it a good, swift kick! Feel better soon. The staples look impressive. When do they come out?

  10. Yikes Sue! I guess we should have read the blog before seeing you at lunch! Wow! You could not tell such a "yucky" and awful thing happened to you! Take care girlfriend and for goodness sake...stay safe! XO
