

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Face Rock tidal rocks

The timing experiment of yesterday did not hold true this morning.   I tried to do a blog to show you how we spent the last bit of time in Eugene, the covered bridges, but the pictures were taking so long I gave up.   Tomorrow's another day.

Today we braved gale force winds to climb down to Face Rock beach and poke around the tidal rocks there.    We walked into the ridiculously strong wind, sand stinging our faces and legs, about another mile and a half to Coquille Point to see  what those rocks would show us at low tide.      We walked under arches in the huge sea stacks and along the wild surf.    The marine layer moved in and out, sometimes we were in brilliant sunshine and others deep in mist but always in the wind.     

I didn't take any pictures of the sand drifts in our ears or piled on top of our need to pay for a costly dermabrasion treatment at our dermatologists....we're scraped clean.

Face Rock
think, a young woman's face emerging from the sea
looking up at the sky

this looks like another rock, but its the base of a huge driftwood tree

I'll close this blog for the night.   While I've been loading these pictures I managed to watch President Obama speak, watched America's Got Talent and took a shower.    Time for bed.


  1. Love that Blondie at the end ...Sweet girl.

  2. That's some seriously slow upload speeds! But I'm glad you made the effort...the photos are beautiful!

  3. Always fascinated by tidal pools and love them. So does the wind just follow you guys to the beach?? LOL Thanks for showing what you could!

  4. I LOVE the tidal pools...great pictures Sue ! Thanks for your patience!

  5. Wonder what Face Rock looked like before all the wind treatment :-) Beautiful photos, the colors are magical. Love Dave-in-the-door, and the pretty lady at the end.

  6. What great tidal pool discoveries:) Well worth the sand blasting, well, for us at least:) Love Dave peeking through the driftwood roots:) Thanks for sharing a piece of yourself:)

  7. We love that beach and have spent many happy days walking it. Oh, those beautiful green anemones! And so happy you saw a sea star—they're making a comeback here in the San Juan Islands, too, after almost being wiped out by a virus a couple of years ago.
